ул.Хативат Ивтах, 11, Кармиэль
"Little Attic"

Do you know that there is a very unusual place in Karmiel, and it’s called the Attic or LittleAttic.

This is a small but real museum, where both children and adults come for classes, master classes (including on Saturdays), and for thematic meetings, and to play and chat. We also have concerts and theaters come to visit us; There are original programs unique to the whole country.

A new, very unusual, living, real museum under a roof in the north of the country, in Karmiel.

The name was chosen not only because the Attic is located high... no. The name comes from the cartoon of the same name, created 10 years ago by children from the Moscow school "Steps" based on a fairy tale by Maya Fazulina. And it’s better to watch it once than to write and talk a hundred times.

This cartoon has traveled all over the world. He took the Grant-Prix at the International Youth Festival in Seoul (South Korea), and thus he initially set a very high bar for us.

And we try to keep it and “fill the attics of everyone who comes to us” with only good thoughts and ideas.

On the basis of Cherdachka, an original cultural studies program for children has already been created, and we continue to develop it. This year's course will be exactly 3 years old in September. Classes take place in the museum. And, what is unique for the museum, children use the exhibits during classes and create a lot of things with their own hands. The program is designed for more than one year of study. Now we have groups of 1-3 years of study, and enrollment for the new academic year is underway for new groups of 1 year.

Is it interesting? And would you like to know more about our programs and events? And where

we are located?

Karmiel, Khativat Ivtakh st., 11. At the very top...

How to contact us?

Phone: 054 914 18 98

WhatsApp: +7 926 330 28 14

We have a group on WhatsApp: there we give daily announcements of our events and talk about what has already happened:


In addition, there is a Fb page - Little Attic. The page is alive and active. There, all the information is updated weekly and there is a lot of visual material about what and how is going on in the Attic. There are reviews from parents.

We also have a Library in the Attic, where anyone can come (by calling in advance) and borrow a book on history and culture, biology and anthropology, art and astronomy, there is also a section of fiction for both children and adults.

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