Development of intelligence "What? Where? When?" - online course Smart Studio

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All Israel (or online)
13 - 16 years

Developing intelligence, "What? Where? When?" There are a couple of places in the senior group of the online Smart Studio course for teenagers aged 14-16 (Thursday, 19:30)

Knowledge is not so much needed in itself, the ability to use it is much more important. The ability to analyze, extract the necessary fact from memory at the right moment, compare with others, use and critically check for reliability. And also pump up your emotional stability, social tools, and - the ability to enjoy intellectual activity, enjoy smart, full-fledged communication, and always have a source of curiosity about life inside you.

And we still manage to shove knowledge into their heads, only in a more cunning way - through questions, their solution and discussion, through quests, quizzes, intricate tasks and discussions around them.

What we* teach in the Smart Studio course:

Use the methods of logic, TRIZ, effective thinking.

Be interested and develop, constantly work on yourself, develop your personality and intellect, improve your cultural level, expand your horizons.

Never give in to the unknown, boldly explore the unknown.

Apply any knowledge to solve new problems. Perfectly master the arsenal of your mind and abilities.

Do not be afraid to express your opinion on any topic, clearly formulate and reasonably defend your point of view, constructively perceive criticism and admit mistakes.

Do not be discouraged by failures, but take into account the experience gained and move on.

Perceive any problem as a challenge and an opportunity.

Work independently and in a team, manage your time and emotions.

Listen to partners, analyze information, draw conclusions and offer thoughtful action plans.

Communicate fruitfully with both peers and the generation of parents.

Solve problems in a tight time frame, in a stressful situation.

Solve non-standard problems, go beyond the template.

Be strong and reasonable, think independently, do not fall under influence, do not allow yourself to be manipulated.

Know, understand, love yourself and the world around you, and therefore - be a whole and happy person.

We teach classes ourselves, communicate on zoom, 60 minutes once a week. The cost depends on the currency and payment method, all information in the registration form

Parents' reviews

We are always glad to new students and will be happy to tell you all the details in writing or orally via WhatsApp +972586908658

* Who are we? Experts of the legendary TV club "What? Where? When?" Vladimir Belkin and Elena Orlova, and we are also the Academy of Intelligence online. Russian-speaking children from all over the world study and play with us, meet each other, find friends. We have been working in children's play education for over 30 years and make sure that everyone is comfortable, that everyone feels like they are in a great friendly company.

Владимир Белкин и Елена Орлова
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