Кружок английского языка с прекрасным преподавателем младшей школы Лео Бек

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Haifa District / Haifa Subdistrict / Дерех царфат 90 , Хайфа
5 - 7 years, 8 - 12 years, 13 - 16 years
Russian, Hebrew
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English language club with the wonderful teacher of the primary school Leo Baeck, Haifa
English lessons are based on the study of songs, games and works of art that make your child want and able to learn a foreign language.

Lessons are held in small groups, which provides a comfortable atmosphere for learning the language or strengthening existing knowledge.

Дерех царфат 90, Хайфа
Posted: 5 months, 1 week ago | Checked: 5 months, 1 week ago | Views: 408 | Contact requests: 40
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