Иврит им Леонид

All Israel (or online)
8 - 12 years, 13 - 16 years

When I tell my students that modern Hebrew is a very simple language, they usually smile incredulously. Really? These hieroglyphs? The absence of vowels? Writing from right to left? All right. But these are just temporary difficulties. But only 3 tenses, not 12, like, for example, in English. A very developed root system, allowing you to guess the meaning of a word by the meaning of the root. Simple and often coinciding with Russian sentence structure.
Let me try to prove to you that I am right. Subscribe to my channels on Facebook and Telegram, as well as to my website "Ivrit Im Leonid".
A sea of ​​interesting material, starting with grammar and ending with my thoughts on how to properly learn a language. I also give private lessons online and at students' homes if it is convenient for them and me. My phone number is 0542112628. Come. Let's love and learn Hebrew together.

Posted: 6 months, 2 weeks ago | Checked: 2 months, 1 week ago | Views: 147 | Contact requests: 32
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