Purim party in matnas Pizgat Zeev

Jerusalem District / Jerusalem / Моше Даян 135 , Иерусалим
5 - 7 years, 8 - 12 years, 13 - 16 years
Russian, Hebrew

📅 When? March 13
🕖 What time? 19:15
📍 Where? Matnas Pizgat Zeev, Moshe Dayan 135 (-1 floor)
👥 For whom? Under 18
🔥 The program:
🎨 Face painting – let's transform!
🎈 Balloon master class – let's create miracles!
🎭 Handmade costume competition – let's make it right on the spot!
It will be fun, creative and bright! We are waiting for you!

Моше Даян 135, Иерусалим
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