Master class on developing imagination, fine motor skills, communication skills

Haifa District / Haifa Subdistrict / Бейтар 8 , Хайфа
3 - 4 years, 5 - 7 years, 8 - 12 years, 13 - 16 years

Yulia Ivanter is holding a master class today, waiting for children, parents, and teachers! She shares unique techniques for free!
Yulia Ivanter, head of the children's theater studios "Theater from a Pocket" and "Miracle in Feathers", has arrived in Haifa
She will hold a unique lesson for children and adults - she will show fun games and exercises that develop imagination, fine motor skills, and communication skills.

Creating a holiday literally "out of nothing", from what is always at hand, is Yulia's special talent!
The children will learn how to make a glove puppet and "bring it to life".
Yulia Ivanter will share her findings and methods for developing children's creative activity with parents, teachers, and animators.
This will be a MASTER CLASS for children and adults!

🍒We invite you
March 4, Tuesday, at 17:00
Matnas on Beitar 8, 3rd floor
🍒Participation is FREE

Бейтар 8, Хайфа
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