Online Literature Classes

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All Israel (or online)
13 - 16 years

Hello, friends.
I'll start with the main thing: I invite your teenagers 14+ to join my literature classes.
I really love working with teenagers (I've been working as a teacher of Russian language and literature for many, many years). For them, a book is both a way of learning about the world and themselves, and an escape from this world into a seemingly safer space (is it only teenagers who read like that?) There is no greater pleasure in reading aloud to them, waiting for them to hold their breath now, and then exhale, then laugh now, and then think about it. And even greater pleasure is when they react differently than I expected: this gives us a reason for discussion, always interesting.
We read a variety of things, sometimes school stuff, sometimes nothing at all. For the older ones, I was looking for something Christmas-themed, and as a result, we read Agatha Christie's "The Adventures of the Christmas Pudding." We had such a good conversation about detective stories!!! The last text was "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", and now we have decided on "The Picture of Dorian Gray".
Usually the scheme is as follows: the children read a chapter or two themselves for the lesson, we discuss it together, sometimes draw illustrations, sometimes compose something about it; and we read another chapter (or as many as we can) right in the lesson, stopping all the time, discussing everything: from the choice of words and the construction of sentences to the reasons for the characters' actions and our attitude to all this.
We study online, once a week, on Wednesdays.
Join us!
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