Tour of the Hermann Struck Museum, for the artist's 100th anniversary
Tour of the Hermann Struck Museum, for the artist's 100th anniversary
Haifa's Hermann Struck Museum is holding a free (!) tour in Russian next Friday
of the exhibition "In the Shade of the Date Palm: Contemporary Print, a Look at Haifa"
What did Haifa look like a hundred years ago?
What changes have the engravings undergone since then?
The exhibition "In the Shade of the Date Palm" offers visitors a look at the city from two points in time:
- Haifa as the artist Hermann Struck saw it a hundred years ago,
- and modern Haifa in prints by 21st century artists.
Duration of the tour: 1-1.5 hours
Guide: Evgenia Katzner
The tour also includes a demonstration of the creation of an etching (engraving on metal) on a printing press.
When?24.01. Starts at 10.30
Haifa, Alrozorov St., 23
Free admission
ул.Алрозоров, д. 23, Хайфа | | | |События/10839/Экскурсии_в_музее_Германа_Штрука |