Master class on drawing from life

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Jerusalem District / Jerusalem / Иерусалим
8 - 12 years, 13 - 16 years
English, Hebrew

Dear parents
For the harmony of soul and body,
calms, relieves tension, clamps in the body, and even neuroses ... In this chaos of Israeli reality, the door to creativity has opened for you, every Friday from 9 am in a chic studio in beautiful Jerusalem.
My daughter-in-law Rebekah holds a master class in drawing from life.
of the Italian School of Art, participant in exhibitions in London and Melbourne
For all those who want to join the arts, or maybe you dreamed about it and just want to try!
And from myself, as a specialist, I will say that during classes the right hemisphere of the brain, responsible for creative thinking, is actively working! We are waiting for you on Friday

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